
Carolyn Verheyen

Vice President, and Secretary, Chief Operating Officer, Emeritus

Carolyn Verheyen is a regional and statewide expert in facilitation and outreach, social policy planning, community service delivery, strategic planning, and organizational development. Public, private, and nonprofit clients seek her guidance as an agent of positive and often transformative change in improving the lives of the people they serve. When she began her career 30 years ago, environmental psychology was a little-known field of study. Today, her work is informed by a deep understanding of how an environment—physical and social—not only shapes human behavior, but also contributes to opportunity, well-being, connection, and sense of purpose. Carolyn’s range of content knowledge encompasses every area of community and social services including, but not limited to: public and behavioral health, child development, child and family services, homelessness, parks and recreation, education, transportation, and land use. She has worked with people at every organizational level from line staff and managers to CEOs and Board members. As a facilitator and strategic planner, Carolyn is known for her ability to apply sensitive listening, objective assessment, tactful advice, peer-oriented coaching, intuitive communication, and an equity lens. She recognizes that the long-term impacts of her work can be life-changing for all people in need. Because many of her projects involve multiple agencies and communities of interest, she strives to foster collaboration with a strategic focus that overrides ego, competition, and organizational or jurisdictional boundaries, which translates into better experiences and outcomes for everyone. 

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