MTC Regional Transit Mapping & Wayfinding Project

Harmonizing Online

Harmonizing transit. The SF Bay Area has two dozen different transit operators—and people often need to use several to get to where they want to go. It can be darned confusing!

The Regional Transit Mapping & Wayfinding Program will harmonize the systems by creating similarities across different transit service providers, with a common map language and iconography, a digital mapping platform and standard products and branding. Travelers will find the regional transit more “legible” and easier to use.

With 24 agencies, nine counties and 101 cities (!) deciding on designs and systems, focus groups were key to ensuring decisions were made with the user in mind.

We started with in-person agency meetings to narrow the design approach to harmonization. Then the pandemic hit—and brought a new opportunity.

Focus groups would be online, which meant we could open up the groups out to transit users throughout the entire 6,966 square miles of the Bay Area. No one had to travel, which cut down on both time and expenses. We conducted groups in English, Spanish and Cantonese and members were able to see and hear each other, as well as the moderator. We used an online white board to show designs and visually show participants’ support. Instead of being behind two-way glass, the clients were observers with their cameras off and their microphones muted. They could send the moderator private messages via the “chat” to respond to questions or ask new ones. The focus group results then informed the final design options.