Vision Zero SF Driver Safety Awareness
Stop at the Teeth!
We’ve been accepting bicycle and pedestrian deaths as an inevitable part of modern mobility. Unacceptable. Vision Zero SF aims to eliminate traffic deaths in San Francisco. The SF Municipal Transportation Agency is updating the City’s streetscape with new paint and striping, new signal lights and new bike facilities to slow cars and designate protected spaces for people walking or on bikes (or scooters or skateboards or whatever comes next). But the new streetscape can be confusing for drivers.
This series of four snappy videos (in English, Spanish and Chinese) shows drivers how to interpret what they’re seeing on the roadway. They’re quick-to-watch and highly shareable on social media.
- Sharks’ Teeth: A set of triangles, resembling shark teeth, alerts drivers to stop and yield to pedestrians before a crosswalk.
- Park in your Place: Shows drivers where to park in relation to protected bike lanes.
- Slow into the Zone: Alerts drivers to yield to oncoming bikes in a shared lane.
- Mind Your Signal: Shows drivers that bicyclists have different signals than they do, for safer turns.